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Class Ages & Programs


Centerville Baptist Children’s Program has offerings for infants through kindergarten, and before and after school care for school aged children.



MON-FRI  |  6:30A–6:00P

The infant program prioritizes quality time between the child and the provider. Specialized, trained caregivers dedicate their time to guaranteeing your child’s safety, security, and happiness. Our nursery provides a warm, loving environment where infants receive individualized attention and care.

Through educational toys and age appropriate activities such as music, story time, and sensory play, your child will form the foundation blocks for later learning.


Twos Preschool


M-F CHILDCARE  |  6:30A–6:00P


Our twos class offers a nurturing environment to foster social and emotional growth in our youngest learners. Children engage in a variety of activities aimed at cognitive, language, and motor skill development.

Children participate in music, art, science, nature, and age appropriate literacy lessons each day.  


Threes Preschool


M-F CHILDCARE  6:30A–6:00P


The structured program activities provide opportunities for children to build confidence in their own abilities and talents. Acceptable social skills are reinforced in a small group environment. Art projects are designed to be process oriented, allowing the child to take pride in his/her own work.


This class focuses on building relationships with peers, making and expressing choices, empathy, and exploring letters and numbers. 


Fours Preschool


M-F CHILDCARE  6:30A–6:00P


The fours program provides opportunities to explore ideas and discover concepts that help with the transition to Kindergarten. Early academics focus on introduction of phonics, math, science, social studies, music and art.


Thematic classrooms will incorporate academic lessons into the themed unit. All four year old classrooms participate in a computer class each week. 


Kindergarten Readiness

M-F  |  9:00A–2:00P

M-F CHILDCARE  6:30A–6:00P


This class allows those that are kindergarten ready to focus onthe Commonwealth standards of learning inreading, writing,phonics, and math through hands on, engaging lessons in asmall group setting. This small class size allows our well-trained teachers an opportunity to meet each child’s individual needs.

Through the school year, the skilled and experienced teachers work on: Letter sounds, number recognition 1-20, identification of shapes and colors, writing first and last name, rhyming, fine motor skills, counting and sorting objects, exploring the 5 senses, following 2 and 3 step directions, problem-solving skills, learning sight words, recognizing naming, and writing all 26 letters, including upper and lowercase, identifying vowels and consonants, using phonics to read short CVC (consonant, vowel, consonant) words, reading short sentences, understanding basic punctuation, understanding sequence of events in oral and written stories, using graphs to organize information, skip counting by 5s and 10s, writing numbers 1-100, simple addition and subtraction, ordinal numbers, learning left from right, money: pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters, basic knowledge of the US map, use of science tools: magnifying glass and magnets, Working independently, participating in group discussions and decision making.


Before & After
School Care

M-F   6:30A–6:00P


CBC provides a healthy, safe environment when your child is away from home or school. Qualified childcare teachers assist school age students with homework and provide recreational games, sports, and arts & crafts.


Before and after school transportation is provided by Chesapeake Public schools from Southeastern Elementary School, Butts Road Primary, and Butts Road Intermediate School.    

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